
Showing posts from January, 2023

P3 : Multiplatform Distribution Methods

you are required to explore multiplatform distribution methods used by radio stations. you will need to explore your chosen radio station and investigate the different distribution methods they use. evidence should be produced in the form of a formal word-processed report, or presentation with supporting notes and documentation. capital radio online at the top of the website shows the current presenter who is on the show (this will change every so often, obviously, when another person is presenting) television the TV channel version of a radio station is a lot different from the online/mobile, as it would be far less interactive. mobile app at the top there is an option to go to the different radio stations owned by global player. shows the current song playing, the previous, and the next songs to be playing. as you scroll down, there is a lot less than what there is on the website, like there isn't a list of each of the presenters, but it still shows some of the similar things. ...

radio production ideas

structure - introduction with a little jingle maybe - weather - massive jump from -2 to 6 degrees in 4 days - advert - news about donny -  including a call in from someone saying they saw a celeb, leading on to vvv - top celebrities from doncaster - another advert - ending celebrities to talk about - Jeremy Clarkson                    saw him walk out of bristol streeet motors!!!!!!!!! without a car!!!!!!!! - louis tomlinson  - yungblud - roy clarke things going on in Doncaster - louis tour coming up - stuff happening at cast - showings in the cinema - racecourse? - wildlife park - museums/galleries who it could be aimed at - people who want to come to doncaster and live elsewhere in south yorkshire - people who live in Doncaster and find it boring but want to find out something fun to do

M1 : structure of a radio station

next write about the structure of a radio program on your own chosen station. try to tell me about each part, bringing in your own examples. if you can find audio link examples as well this would be beneficial. the structure of capital i listened to a radio station (capital) during some free time at work and wrote about what different things happened in it. - ad for the money contest thing - 1 song - 7 adverts, all about 20-30 seconds long - little 5 second thing saying the news is next (jingle) - 1 advert - ad about capital radio and global player - the news, lasted about a minute with 3 different stories - global player advert, about 5 seconds - short weather segment probably saying how it was -2 - a short bit of general talk about the music thats next - 3 songs played, about 2 or 3 minutes long each - another little bit of general talk - 2 or 3 more songs, similar lengths - capital radio advert, 5 seconds long - another song played (1) - 1 advert this was all over the space of about...

P2 : focus of a radio station

research and populate this post telling use about the different types of programming, detailing their purpose, who they would be aimed at and how they can vary from other forms of programming. purpose the type of the radio station must have segments which fall under these categories. entertainment ~ music, interviews plays. e.g. radio 1, capital, radio 4 educational ~ the purpose is to educate the listener e.g. radio documentary, lbc inform ~ the presenter is there to inform the listener on information e.g. weather, traffic promote ~ is the reason of the show to promote a service or product income this depends on the type of radio station, like if it is commercial or public, as this would be their way of receiving money, as public would get this from the government and commercial would get from promoting advertisements. scheduling depending on when your radio production is being broadcasted will have am effect on how the show may be structured. the timings can include: breakfast - weat...

structure of a program

someone talking, the news, music, advertisements i would have news, music, adverts, general chit chat types of programming music chat current event lifestyles dramatisations how to structure - purpose entertainment ~ music interviews plays e.g. radio 1, capital, radio 4 educational ~ the purpose is to educate the listener e.g. radio documentary, lbc inform ~ the presenter is there to inform the listener on information e.g. weather, traffic promote ~ is the reason of the show to promote a service or product - income - scheduling depending on when your radio production is being broadcasted will have am effect on how the show may be structured. the timings can include: breakfast - weather for the day daytime -  drive time - talk shows, music, traffic, weather changes evening - news that happened during the day,  overnight -  - content what the radio will be about. could literally be anything but can include: music news weather dialogue phone ins dramatisations  - staff ...

P1 : Describe the different radio industry operations

research and populate this post explaining about the different types of radio stations, detailing their purpose. try to include any statistics you could find regarding listeners or revenue made. public radio this is a type of radio station which is funded by the licence fee or the government, meaning they cannot advertise or promote products. they also do not have any cash prize competitions as  their main purpose is to create a product to entertain people rather than to make money. main examples of these kinds of stations are each BBC stations. not for profit  radio these radio stations are developed in order to not make a profit and keep them minimal. they are made to entertain people who are in the same environment as they are mainly found in hospitals or universities as the content is tailored to this kind of people. they rely on their volunteers to keep the stations running. commercial radio these kinds of radio stations are made mainly to make money, as it is more of a b...

types of radio

bbc radio 2 hallam fm heart 80s - all bbc radio stations are run by television licence fees, as none of them carry advertisements types of radio station - public mainly bbc stations. includes local stations like bbc radio sheffield. funded by the licence fee and the government. so cannot promote products. dont offer cash prizes. have some of the highest listener numbers. - not for profit developed to not make a profit and keep profits minimal. will rely on volunteers  to make sure it can keep running. mainly found in hospitals or universities. a lot of big dj names will have started this way. tailor their content to their listeners and used to inform and entertain them - national commercial contains advertisements and endorsements, major companies like global will own multiple stations aimed at multiple different audiences, includes Captital Kiss Heart LBD TalkSport, stations are run as a method to create profit for the company. - community a form for non profit. local people will ...